Cigar Oasis electronic humidifiers, featuring models that can humidify from 75 up to 10,000 cigars, should be on your short list for a hands-free, low maintenance solution to cigar care. With four models, and a complete redesign for 2014, choosing the right one can be a little confusing and overwhelming. The purpose of this guide […]
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It’s All About the Humidifier When you shop for a big-time humidor, what do you look for? Size? Capacity? Whether it will impress your buddies? Those things are all important, sure, but what about the humidifier? After all, a humidor is only as good as the humidifier it uses, and each one uses a different […]
Why is it imperative that you use distilled water when humidifying a humidor?Distilled water is water that has been purified through a boiling process.The water is boiled and then the steam is condensed into a container. It is not wise to use regular tap water in any humidification system.In fact, the federal government has warned […]
This guest post was written by Reddit user doitdoitdoit, aka Michael Korostelev, a very talented woodworker and cigar aficionado! would like to thank Michael for his contributions to our blog, and would encourage our readers to try their hand at building your own humidor using this step-by-step guide! Please feel free to leave any […]
Many newcomers to cigar smoking do not quite understand the concept of humidity beads. Perhaps they get the basic thought; that cigars cannot simply be stored in a box. They are made in tropical regions, meaning they thrive in hot temperatures and high humidity. Keeping the cigar in the open air will dry them out. […]